What Families have said about GROAD
“I’m very grateful very good quality clothes, shoes, for my children, myself, and my husband also kitchen ware, blankets. Variety of toys for all ages my kids enjoy a lot and they are really happy thank you very much.” Marianita - Lives in Southwark
“Yes open house has help me and my family as I have two little children and I was able to get very good books, toys, clothes and shoes which saved me a lot as you know how children grow out of shoes and clothes so fast. We are really blessed to have the open house. Personally, it has helped me to save some money I would normally spend on the items I got.” - Claudine - Lives in Southwark
“Yes the open house has helped me and my family tremendously. We now have beddings, duvets and pillow, cushions for the winter. Also clothes for my daughter and myself including my grand baby boy.” Jennifer - Lives in Southwark
“Excellent quality and beautiful.” Zayneb - Lives in Southwark
.“Yes, I will like open house and get rid to offer one or two labtops or ipads to one family because most schools are now giving most of their homework online and phone is frustrating and parents with 4 children will find it hard.”
“I have not received any help yet but I am really hoping this can help me and my family as I am very short of money right now.” anonymous - Lives in Southwark
“With the donations I was able to dress my children and decorate the house.” Hayley - Lives in Southwark
“The cost of the living in London has increased a lot, electricity, gas, food. It’s very good for my family have some help with the clothes for us. Without this we couldn't afford a winter clothes.”
Lisseth - Lives in Southwark
“Open House has helped me in clothing and feeding and some household equipments. I am so grateful”. Nneka - Lives in Lambeth
“It has provided my kids with some clothes, nappies, wipes, (they were in real need due to outgrowing their old ones and hurting feet) as well as other amazing things such as blankets, jackets etc.. which be a great use this winter. Get Rid of and Donate has helped my family. I can’t explain how much the support and donations received have made a change to my home. I look forward to attend Open House in the hope of finding items that I could not afford to buy regularly, there’s always something there for our needs.
Genevieve - Lives in Southwark
Questions You May Ask?
Who and where are donations distributed?
Donations are sorted and redistributed to the project beneficiaries, rough sleepers, vulnerable families, and refugees & asylum seekers (UK). The project hosts ‘Open House’ a service offering free donations of clothes, household and other items for people and families.
“My daughter is two years old, and her pushchair is broken. I'm still using it, but it is not working. I’ve just been donated a single bed. But I'm still need it a mattress, blankets. She also needs a shoe for the winter. Really appreciate it be considered in case you have any of those items.”
— Lisseth - Lives in So
“I would like someone to help with things around my home like outing furniture together or curtain rails, shelfs, etc it’s very hard being a single mother with 3 children managing to do this.”
— anonymous
“I would like to have vouchers for children amusement parks, cinema etc and I would like to have cooking training/lessons more specifically how to cook healthy foods.”
— Neka - Lives in Lambeth/Southwark
I would love to have help me with food vouchers”.
— Genevieve - Lives in Southwark
“I would like someone to help with things around my home like outing furniture together or curtain rails, shelfs, etc its very hard being a single mother with 3 children managing to do this”.
Noemi - Lives in Southwark
“It be good if we could have more food donations and possibly cooking sessions to help us refugees to get better food, we could cook food that we eat in our country ”.
Roma - Lives in Southwark
Is there any other suggestions that you feel we could do better?
“You are already doing a great job and providing amazing service and it is very organised. The time slots are brilliant. Keep up the great work you are doing. Do reach out if you need volunteers to help with setting up, I am happy to help wherever I can. Once again thank for the amazing service.”
— Claudine - Lives in Lambeth
“I think you are doing a fantastic job and I’m very grateful thank you so much for all you help and support you are amazing.”
— Marianita - Lives in Southwark
“Increase the number of sessions but you are still doing a fantastic job.”
— Jennifer - Lives in Southwark
“Clothes and shoes coats are good. Thank you to everyone who contributed to bringing joy to others. It may be a small word of thanks for what you are doing, but may God protect and reward you more.”
— Zeyneb - Lives in Southwark
“It would be good to have a support with the food.”
— Lisseth - Lives in Southwark
“Can we have more service like this, it really helps people in need who cannot afford items especially with children items
— anonymous
“Maybe help people who are not able to fill in forms by themselves or help to look for accommodation for them.”
— anonymous
“Nope. It is well organised.”
— Haylee - Lives in Lambeth/Southwark
”You are providing a great service, thank you for sourcing all the amazing things you have available for us. Many thanks.”
— Genevieve - Lives in Southwark
“It be good to have a bigger space to get more donations, at times when I arrive all have gone, it shows there is a need
— anonymous
“Maybe help people who are not able to fill in forms by themselves or help to look for accommodation for them.”